Category Archives: NEWS


The May clinic is now online and members can access it here. Besides some excellent members games (especially by L. J.) I was asked to show a couple of my own from my recent 'comeback tournaments' in Rhyl and Crewe. Crewe was particularly successful because I managed to win the tournament with 7 straight wins and a 2850 rating performance!

Here's a position from one of the games against FIDE Master and Welsh International Jonathan Blackburn. He enterprisingly sacrificed two pieces early on, though I managed to get my king to safety by returning one of them and then took the initiative on the kingside. In the position in the diagram White had just played 22.Bc1-g5:

Blackburn - Davies; Black to play

Here I saw that I could force mate with 22... Qxg5+ 23.Nxg5 Rxg5+ 24.Kh2 Bf2# 0-1, which my opponent was kind enough to allow.

Nigel Davies