For the last 8 years I have been going to lots of tournaments, but taking my son Sam rather than playing myself. The most recent of these was the Darnall & Handsworth Rapidplay in Sheffield, which took place on September 1st. Sam had another pretty good result, finishing 4th= in the Major with an 1878 Elo performance. This seems to be more or less in line with his current strength, though his rating is lagging behind at the moment.
A few people who have watched Sam's steady progress from unspectacular beginnings wonder about our training regime. Essentially it's all here on Tiger Chess, with a strong emphasis on endgames and strategy rather than the standard junior fare of openings and sacrificial attacks. His openings could certainly be better, and this is something we've been working on of late. But it takes time to develop a sophisticated repertoire that is dependent on understanding and concepts rather than rote learning and tricks.
From a chess parenting perspective one of the great things about the chess circuit is how Sam is making friends with other chess playing youngsters, and in his case adults too. Below he is pictured on the right together with Anita Somton and Armaan Gogia. Anita was 4th= in the Open with a 2066 performance whilst Armaan also did well in the Open with a 1944 performance. Both Anita and Armaan are coached by Anita's father, Ukken Somton, who has a strong focus on endgames and has been very successful in developing young players.

Where are we going next? Probably to a tournament in Nottingham at the end of September and then on from there. What's the goal? Our provisional aim is that he should be around 2200 strength at 18, at which time we will be reviewing the situation.
Nigel Davies