The January 2021 clinic is now up and can be accessed by members here. Internet games are still the ones being reviewed though with some over the board events taking place I hope we will have some real games soon.
There were a few nice moments in the games sent in, for example this one that arose after Black had just played 20...Qf6xf5 (see diagram):

White had prepared a stunning reply in 21.Nxd6! after which 21...Qxd3 (21...Qd7 meets with the crushing 22.Nxf7! Qxf7 23.Bc4) 22.Qxf7+ Kh8 23.Nf5 left Black with no other move than 23...Ne6. After 24.Qxe6 White was left with a winning position which he duly converted.
Nigel Davies