Category Archives: CHESS SOFTWARE


Over the last few weeks I decided upon a new training regime to improve my chess. It's been a long time since I did anything that was organized and had to put some thought into it. It would need to have a relatively small footprint with regards to time, have a degree of flexibility and also have more general benefits.

Since my return to chess, a few years ago, I came to understand that my main issue has been a lack of willingness to concentrate and calculate. This probably has something to do with me being in my 60s and there's not much to do about that. On the other hand I figure I can try to make the most of what I've got.

The first essential item had to be calculation training, and getting used to calculating on a daily basis. In my teenage years I did the Alexander Kotov analysis exercise whereby you set up a key position and write down what you see. This may be the ideal approach and I created the Tiger Chess Analysis Course for this purpose; unfortunately I know the positions and would struggle to find time, a chess set and a suitable table and chair. Given these limitations I've decided to take a short cut and purchased a couple of apps on my phone; CT-Art 4.0 and Total Chess Endgames. I'm trying to do at least 30 minutes a day on these apps, which should get me more used to calculating again.

A willingness to sit down and concentrate is more of a non chess matter that relates to overall fitness. I've long felt that the standard Western approach to being fit is too one dimensional because it fails to engage the mind and the breath. After reading Wim Hof's Becoming the Iceman and experimenting with his approach, I realized that I have underestimated the importance of fresh air and deep breathing, so after 30 minutes on the exercise bike (or fast walking if a bike is unavailable) I'm using his recommendation of cold showers combined with deep breathing. This in turn has led me to incorporate better breathing into my qigong practice and I have to say that it's making quite a difference.

I've been doing a couple of other things too, mainly playing some online games with particular openings and doing a bit of research into them. I would say this is a minor part of my overall regime and rightly so, opening preparation has its limits because sooner or later you are on your own.

Overall it looks like this, with 60 minutes of chess and 90 minutes of mind/body exercise:

  1. Calculation training (30 minutes per day).
  2. Qigong with enhanced breathing (60 minutes per day).
  3. Exercise bike/fast walking (30 minutes per day) and cold shower (5 minutes).
  4. Training games and opening study (30 minutes per day).

Wish me luck, I think it should help but the proof of any pudding is when you eat it!

Training Tournaments

The training tournaments this week are in two lines of the French, the Fort Knox and the Rubinstein.

Sunday January 5th at 5pm UK Time: The Fort Knox French with 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc4 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bd7

Sunday January 5th at 6.15pm UK Time: The French Rubinstein with 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc4 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7

My Upcoming Events

Here's my schedule over the coming months, though it is subject to change. I often don't know until fairly late in the day:

January 17-19: Huddersfield 4NCL Congress
I really enjoy the 4NCL Congresses as they're played under excellent conditions in nice hotels. This is the first one in Huddersfield, you can find details here.

January 27th: Stockport Rapidplay
I've played in this event with some regularity, so probably I'll go for it again. You can find details here.

February 16-27, 2025: World Senior Team Championship
I've accepted a place in the 50+ second team which means I'll play a much stronger field than on bottom board of the first team. Although this diminishes my chances of winning a medal I'm looking forward to the challenge.

July/August 2025: British Championships
Will these be held in Liverpool next year or maybe Torquay? I've heard rumours about both venues, if they're held in Liverpool I'd probably go for the 50+ event.

I am still hoping to play in the European Senior Team Championships (Poland, April 4-14) in which I've said I'll play in any team and on any board. The details have now been confirmed and I understand that selections are to be made shortly.

Regretfully I've recently had to pass on two events in Slovenia and Serbia:

January 24-31, 2025: HIT Open in Nova Gorica: Details can be found here.

February 5-10, 2025: Senta, Hotel Fantastico: Details can be found here.

Twitch Channel

I'm setting up a new Twitch channel to answer viewers' questions and post recordings in the Tiger Chess members areas. Please follow it if you'd like to get updates etc, I'm looking at running the first one on Monday January 6th at 8pm UK time.

Have a good weekend!



Players often wonder whether they need some chess database software to take their opening preparation to a new level, but what should they choose? There are a number of options to be considered, many of which I know little about. So today I'll talk about those I use on a regular basis, namely Chessbase, HIARCS Chess Explorer and the Lichess study feature. All of them have pros and cons that suit different needs and budgets.

Starting with Chessbase, for many years this has been an industry leader and the features are ideal for professional players. The main reference database can be updated with a few mouse clicks which makes it easy to search for different players and prepare for them. I have version 17, which I find very useful for preparing opening material. The main con is that it is expensive kit, and you might not need all the features offered, to learn more about it you can go here.

I'm a big fan of HIARCS Chess Explorer, largely because of its simplicity and the fact that you can have opening books, engines and the game notation right in front of you. It's also very easy to play training games against an engine and from any position. There's a MAC version and it's a lot less expensive than Chessbase, all of which makes it very appealing. If I didn't have to produce various chess material, for which Chessbase is useful, I would probably just use this.

There's also a pro version of HIARCS Chess Explorer, which I haven't managed to get on with quite as well as the non pro version. I imagine this is because I haven't taken the time to examine all its features.

Finally we come to the Lichess study feature, which in my view is just great. There have been other attempts to create online chess databases, but this is the first I've seen that works really well. As with Chessbase and HIARCS Chess Explorer there's an engine and database facility, what is unique is that its online and free. This means that you can access your databases with ANY web browser and on ANY device, making it ultra-convenient.

For those interested in a chess database I'd recommend trying the Lichess study feature as a first step and get a feel for what it can offer you. If you need more then you can decide between Chessbase, HIARCS or perhaps some other chess software such as Chess Assistant. They all have their fans.

Training Tournaments

The training tournaments this week  are in the Queen's Gambit Declined Repertoire, two lines that appear in my Black QGD Repertoire.

Sunday December 8th at 5pm UK Time: QGD Tartakower with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.Nf3 h6 6.Bh4 0-0 7.e3 b6

Sunday December 8th at 6.15pm UK Time: QGD Semi-Tarrasch with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c6 e6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 c5 5.cxd5 Nxd5

Upcoming Events

Here's my schedule over the coming months, though it is subject to change. I often don't know until fairly late in the day.

December 8, 2024: Huddersfield Chess Club Seminar
This coming Sunday I'm giving a seminar at this club. Their website is here.

January 17-19: Huddersfield 4NCL Congress
I really enjoy the 4NCL Congresses as they're played under excellent conditions in nice hotels. This is the first one in Huddersfield, you can find details here.

January 27th: Stockport Rapidplay
I've played in this event with some regularity, so probably I'll go for it again. You can find details here.

February 16-27, 2025: World Senior Team Championship
I've accepted a place in the 50+ second team which means I'll play a much stronger field than on bottom board of the first team. Although this diminishes my chances of winning a medal I'm looking forward to the challenge.

July/August 2025: British Championships
Will these be held in Liverpool next year? There's a rumour on Tim Spanton's blog that they would be. I think I might go for the 50+ event if this is the case.

I am hoping to play in the European Senior Team Championships (Walbrzych, Poland, April 4-14) in which I've said I'll play in any team and on any board. The details have yet to be confirmed, but when they are the teams will be selected.

Hope you have a great weekend!



Building a chess opening repertoire is a fundamental aspect of becoming a strong player. It also takes time to do so and there are top Grandmasters who spend many hours every day just on this. Besides understanding the plans and ideas they will need to know about the latest finesses, which sometimes occur 20-25 moves or more into the game. There is also the issue of computer testing, which with the sharpest openings will be a big job requiring some very serious technology.

The fact that top players want to do this leads amateurs to think that they need to as well, yet how is this possible with things like a job and family to consider? The short answer is that it is not, they need to make simpler choices whilst using their time to develop core skills such as positional understanding and a knowledge of endgames. Yet this is not what chess publishers seem to indicate as they churn out countless volumes of densely packed analysis. Here's a picture of four books which cover what might seem to be a simple repertoire; 1.d4 as White and then the Caro-Kann and Slav with Black. The thing to the right is my coffee cup:

Four Book Repertoire

A count of the number of pages shows a total of around 1,750 pages, many of the variations extend to 20 moves or more and there are probably around 10 variations a page. Is it practical for anyone with any kind of life outside of chess to study these monstrosities? The answer is a clear NO! So why do people buy them? Perhaps they are tired of bad positions and have heard somewhere that they should play the main lines as a remedy?

Is playing main lines a remedy? Well kind of, though this should not necessitate having 1,750 pages/17,500 variations worth of repertoire. If someone learns and understands logical openings, where there is no immediate sharp conflict, then nothing too bad will happen to them in the opening. I should add that if their general chess understanding is good then they will probably get the better of an opponent who has booked up on variations but does not understand too much. Trust me, they will not be able to remember all 17,500 variations and are more likely to get brain damage than chess strength.

So where can someone find repertoires which depend largely on plans and ideas? Unfortunately they are difficult to find, and this is why I decided to create one. A few years ago I developed the Building an Opening Repertoire course here, which features 21.5 hours of video and pgn files which can be loaded into software such as Chess Position Trainer and Chessable. I deliberately made the lines as simple and logical as possible so as to aid the assimilation of plans and ideas, for example as Black I gave the French (including the Rubinstein Varation with 3...dxe4) and older lines of the Queen's Gambit Declined. For White I gave the Colle System (1.d4 followed by 2.Nf3 and 3.e3) and showed how White could then adapt his later plans to however Black responded, sometimes going for a queenside pawn advance (c2-c4, b2-b4 and a2-a4) and at others setting up a Stonewall Formation (Nf3-e5 and f2-f4). People who have bought this course have responded very positively, many starting to understand typical plans for the first time despite having shelves full of openings books. Below is a position from one of the lines in which White has established a knight on e5:

Stonewall Attack Formation

The main target audience for the Building an Opening Repertoire course is the 1300 to 2000 Elo range, though even stronger players have found it useful. I am now working on some follow up courses, the first of which will be an expanded version of the French and include lines against both 3.Nd2 and 3.Nc3 as alternatives to the Rubinstein (3...dxe4 against both). I will be announcing it here when it is out, though you will get the news faster by signing up for the Tiger Chess Newsletter.

Nigel Davies