The December 2019 clinic is now online and features members' best games. With 'best' games beauty tends to be in the eye of the beholder, with some liking games which feature ferocious attacks and others preferring strategic performances. Both these types are featured as well as games which combine tactics and strategy.

One of the games featured K. A. as White, and after 19 moves the following position was reached with White to play:

White to play

Here White uncorked the brilliant and crushing 20.Nd5!, and this led to a rapid victory after 20...exd5 21.Rxe8 Ne4 (21...Nxe8 22.Bxd5+ Kf6 23.Qh5! is even more crushing than 23.Qxe8) 22.Rxf8+ Kxf8 23.cxd5. Although White has only won a pawn, his position is so strong that further gains are inevitable.

Nigel Davies