There was a delay to the February clinic due to Covid related issues but better late than never! The next two clinics will be devoted to online games as most of us turn to online games while over-the-board tournaments are suspended.

Bishops can become the dominant minor piece if they have diagonals on which to operate, and especially if the opponent's knights struggle to find an outpost. The position below, with 'A. M.' playing White, is a good illustration. It is White to play:

White to Play

With 25.e6! White opened the long diagonal for his bishop on b2 and threatened mate with 26.Qg7. Black captured with 25...fxe6 but after 26.Rxd8 Rxd8 27.Rxd8 he found that the queen on e7 is being decoyed away from the defence of g7 and therefore resigned (1-0).

Members can access the clinic here.

Nigel Davies