The latest clinic looks at knight manoeuvres and can be access by full members here. The knight tends to be a tricky piece to manage because of its short step and need for outposts, and this is why I devote 5 lessons to the knight in the Tiger Chess strategy course.

Here's a position from one of the clinic games in which L. J. had successfully weakened White's kingside with ...Ng4, provoking g2-g3, and now commenced a powerful attack. Here's the position after White's 22nd move, Be2-g4:

NN - LJ. Black to play.

Black uncorked 22... f5!, the point of which is to meet 23.Bxf5 with 23...Rxf5!. Instead the game went 23.Nc7 Qd6 24.Nxa8 fxg4 25.Nb6 Nb4 26.Qd2 Bxe4+ 27.Kh2 Bg1+ 0-1, a nice finish.

Nigel Davies